Monday, May 13, 2013


setelah sekian lama menghilang now I'M BACK!!!!!! hehehehe
byk yg aku nk ceritakn kat cni..
start dr sambungan wedding preparation and byk lg la..
so stay tune and bersabar menunggu for the next entry ya..

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


This morning my Mok will go to meet up Imam at his place to ask about the avoid misunderstanding.
Aku xleh join coz aku nh xleh nk lari2 dr ofis (mampus nk dpt surat layang ke dr my manager)hehehe
Aku rse my Mok xde hal coz rmi kawan2 die yg wat pemastautin sini semua utk perempuan yg buat pemastautin sini tp nikah tmpt lain th aku xpnh dgr lg..
Tp sblm nh Imam ckp  bole..ntahla tu la psl my Mok g jpa Imam to lg utk settle semua nh...
Korg ade suggestion x?


tinggal 90days and 15hours....pernah x korg countdown ur time utk wedding day tp korg xde wat pape pon?
its happened to me..coz i think im not prepare to all of this thing...arggghhhhh
weekend nh nk blk kg utk settlekn some matters arise mse aku tgh sibuk keje...
doakan semuanye selamat k?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

searching weeding vendor

start today, i need to search vendor for my weeding..coz mula2 ingt nk shopping kat T.A but my leave yg i submit kne reject..cis!!hampeh kne beli from here je..
Anybody yg tau vendor for Yassin x?

help me plz..